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You've heard the financial advisor pitch before. Yes we manage money, yes we're awesome at it, but none of that matters unless you like working with us. So here's our deal.

Both of our service plans are designed to do one thing, grow your wealth. Here's what that looks like over time.
What does 3% look like over time?
We Don't Give Financial Advice.
At least not the kind you find on Twitter. Stock picks and cryptocurrency hot takes are fun to talk about but you don't need us for that.
We Value Transparency
So we are making all of our process and research public. You will be able to find it all here.
We are goal oriented and we think you should be to.
Goal oriented financial planning means we change strategy based on where you are professionally and personally.
What's an emergency fund and how do I start one? Where do I even put it?
We can help.
Why are there so many retirement accounts to invest in? Which one is best for me?
We can explain.
Let's get down to the nitty gritty.
Our Goal For You
Match you with a portfolio that compliments your specific investment goals, objectives, and risk tolerance. We primarily allocate client investment assets among mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) consistent with one or more of Kolo Capital’s asset allocation strategies. Once the appropriate portfolio has been determined, we will review the portfolio and rebalance the account based upon your individual needs, stated goals and objectives.
Everyday Plan
Simple, straightforward and full of benefits that help you get started on your financial planning journey or maintain what you already have.
First we start with a phone consultation. Which is a fancy way of saying let's get to know each other. We'll talk about your job, how you're feeling about your current investment strategy and where you want to be in 5, 10, or 20 years from now.

How do I minimize risk but also make money? What if I want to be more aggressive some years?
We can show you.
Taxes make me nervous. Who keeps track of all that?
We can do that.
Access to our automatically rebalanced portfolios
Tax planning to ensure that all the financial pieces of a client work together reducing a clients tax burden throughout life.
Annual Tax Review covering both overall tax strategy, and a plan to reduce tax liability.
College Planning
Unlimited access to their financial advisor
Business Exit strategy
Estate plans to ensure clients have their estate set up correctly with beneficiaries, trusts, POD accounts, and life insurance. Clients with over $500,000 in assets will receive a basic will or trust.
A personal Review Process that includes scheduled calls and meetings throughout the year
Dashboard to track personal and business financials
Complete Financial Plan
Signature Plan
Call us anytime. No seriously, with this plan we have to pick up the phone when you call. It's perfect for high income earners with a portfolio that demands more tender love and care.
Just like the Everyday Plan this one starts out with a phone call to get to know each other. We'll review your current portfolio, investment goals, objectives and risk tolerance in order to create an initial portfolio allocation consistent with the your designated investment objectives.
What's Included
Questions? Concerns? Just want to talk? Schedule some time with us.

Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.
Oprah Winfrey

Access to our automatically rebalanced portfolios
Quarterly performance report
Annual Planning Phone Call
Dashboard to track personal finances
Access to planning software to aid in financial decision-making
Initial planning phone consultation
How is this plan different than the Signature Plan?
The two main differences are how much time you get with our team and the attention we give your portfolio when it comes to asset location (tax efficiency) . Don't worry about it, we can explain all that during your consultation.
What's Included
How much do I need to get started?
Almost any amount will work for the initial investment. The most important part is consistent contributions, even something as simple as $100/mo.

Access Your Investments On The Go
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